Monday, September 17, 2007

Plymouth Reception

Bob and Carlene hired a horse and carriage for people to ride in from where they parked their cars. Bas took most of these pictures - he really captured some great shots. It turned out to be a really beautiful day, slightly cool, but ultimately everyone was fine. Ryan's family and friends were so welcoming and nice, I was so glad we had this second party in order to meet everyone.
And Carlene outdid herself with decorations - these are the bride and groom scarecrows that she made for the yard. The bride had incredible cleavage.

Ryan wore his same suit from the wedding and looked great.

My dresses were filthy so I wore something else, but I really like this dress too (thanks to the girls for helping me go shopping before the wedding!).
Ryan's cousin Michael and his wife Karen have three red heads! My first red headed cousins! Oddly enough, no one in my family (other than my brother) has red hair, so this was the first time I went to a family event and saw some fellow gingers!

Ryan and his sister Carly - to be appearing soon on the cover of the next White Stripes album.

Ryan and his brothers and his grandpa, Luddy - Bas's flash was dying at this point, but I feel like this photo could be out of any time.

And this is the whole Scott family, including Ryan's grandpa and his aunt and uncle on the end.

And we capped the night off dancing in the tent with Sergio. He was flipping all of us around and making up dances (although Bretton invented a crazy pole rope dance as well). Great night, great food, great people.

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